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Positivity is key to every opportunity and hardship

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lets stop complaining ;)

The moment we start complaining, we are already not taking into consideration all the good things Allah SWT has given us

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Im still the same person, the difference is I decided to change indirectly wear the hijjab ;)
Honestly speaking its not easy to keep this image, people look at you in a different way ,some may say your going backwards or whatsoever, but im keeping my head up and praying Allah SWT will guide me through all the hardships ..amin

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life Changing Experience :D

Salam semua , its been so long since i left my blog, honestly kalau dh start sem sgt malas nk tulis sbb bykkk sgt work n other Uitm activities. So today i wanna start by actually sharing some experience on how i lost my weight when
i was 17year old ... this is just to share with all of u guys n girls how to be healthy ;) i have been receiving several question by friends on FB asking me how i did it, honestly sy BKN TERRAR sgt coz i have my own ups n downs in my diet.. tp just to share how i did it and nothing more
Some question you asked:

1) kak alia.. Sy bsfren amera jumri (nakamura amera) sy nk mcm akak! Sy pn ex stdnt BTS. sgt trkjut tg0k pic akak skrg. Mira yg sruh sy add akak! N0w stiap mase sy akn trbayang akak yg dh cntik sgt skrg. Akak id0la sy! Sy tgh try nk trunkan brt. Akak b0le bgtw x ape yg akak try smpi b0le hlangkan 30kgsalam..

2) nak tnya, macam mana ley kurus... wahh.. seronoknyerrr ada life baru kan..erm.. nak try.. tapo i dun know how..sedih lorrr

3) Salam alia..i wanna ask u..i am an overweight person..but i really wanna to lost weight..i really wanna wear beautiful clothes that i always juz can watch from distance..and i also really wanna be a muslimah model...really2 want....can u give me some tips on how can i become like u? i really envy u on how can u lost weight..plz help me dear friend..^_^

i was that huge and im not embarrass of my past but im embrasing every part of it and it somehow makes me appreciate my present life :) Lets get started
The problem many of us faced,

1) Sy sgt suke mkn and xleh tahan tgk makanan sedap2
I have this feeling everytime i look at my fav food ... cheese, pasta, rice,buttercake, seriously i pn xleh nk resist BUT the truth of the matter is kita kena ade STRONG WILL POWER ... it is in our hands whether to choose to eat those food in a large portion or sikit sj... JGN CUT ALL YOUR FAV FOOD from your diet coz it does not work that way... kalau dulu mkn satu pinggan penuh now lets try eating half the plate n after getting use to it kurang kn lg ;) then only it will became a habit for us, kalau kita terus cut it off from our diet ,it is affraid that we can have a diet called the YoYo diet.. which basically means that we will eat sikit for a day and some other days makan banyak sgt ... so this is not good !!!

2) Sy malas nk exercise, x best la peluh2 rimas and panas, x larat nk jog sbb sy gemuk nanti kaki sy sakit

Excuses excuses excuses ... but i also hate jogging a lot more than u think hehe , however i have manage to find other ways to sweat ... i dance ,go for aerobic classes, belly dancing classes, lari naik turun tangga LOL but its true memang i did lari mcm tu sbb malas nk keluar rumah so i use the stairs as the medium for me to lose weight.. x perlu pun spend thousands of RM utk beli ubat kurus ok uols.. such a waste of money sebab bukannye lasting pun if kita makan all those stuff... bila usaha sendiri with your own will power the weight will stay off LONGER

3) Fruits ??? malasnya nk mkn buah, sayur ?? Eeee x sedap lansung la... oats ?? Muak sgt kalau mkn hari2

Owhhhh ni la rintihan rintihan yg sy perolehi daripada ramai pihak bila ditanya macam mana nk kempis kn perut n kuruskan badan hehe .... Honestly memang susah nak jadikan pemakanan sihat ni satu amalan sebab we were raised differently by different families who have different menu's on the dinner table... tp that's so not the excuses for our lack of love towards this kind of food ... FIND YOUR FAV VEGE and FRUITS ... :D we dont need to love all of it, i have found my fav fruit which is apple, chilled papaya, manggo and some other fruits as well , so i will try my best to incorporate this every day in my diet... bila kita paham ape kita boleh and suke makan dalam contexts ni fruits and veges, it will be easier for us to have a balance meal every day :D

4) Bila nak keluar rumah rasa malu sangat and tak confident lansung :'(

Some may experince this but some may not, so it depends on our surroundings, bagi yg rasa cam ni ,anda sama seperti sy semasa sy overweight dulu... i have low self esteem, low confidence level and the felling that everyone is looking at me n saying bad this is so disturbing.. sebenarnye perasan jer ,xde sape pn tengok actually but when we are overweight we become very paranoid.. SO LETS PERSEVERE AND CHANGE OUR MENTALITY.... gemuk x semestinye tak cantik, yg penting kita tak buat jahat kat org lain ;) Put your GOALS TO LOSE WEIGHT MAINLY TO BE HEALTHY NOT TO BE PRETTY !!! if u dont put ur goals straight than you will lose yourself in the process of losing weight... as inner beauty last longer than the outer beauty we always obsessively strive for...

ps: just inbox me on fb if nk tanya more detail questions on this topic :D xoxo alia

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't Be Sad

I want to share this article with the rest of you :) this article teaches us to be thankful n not to feel sad for whatever reason or hardship we go through.... it is hard not to be sad when we have problems but looked at it in a different perspective which is the perspective that Allah SWT cares for us, one may succeed in throwing the sadness away n turn it into thankfulness .... amin

Allah benar janji-Nya. Allah telah menentukan sesuatu. Yang hilang tidak bermakna binasa. Yang pergi tidak bermakna kita hilang segala. Kalau kita ukur - banyak mana yang Allah ambil, dibanding dengan banyak mana yang Allah telah beri kepada kita.

Firman Allah:
"Kalau kita cuba hitung nikmat Allah, nescaya tidak akan terhitung banyaknya." - Ibrahim 14:34

Mata, telinga, mulut, kaki dan sebagainya. Harta yang melimpah ruah. Pandang yang sekitarmu. Apa yang kurang? Tidak ada apa yang kurang, saudara. Rumah, kereta, isteri, anak-anak, segalanya cukup. Dan apabila musibah menimpa, Allah tarik balik sedikit sahaja dari kurnia-Nya, mengapa harus berdukacita?

Allah tarik sesuatu untuk Allah berikan sesuatu yang lain. Tidak mustahil. Berlapang dada kepada Allah, bahawa Allah menentukan segalanya. Yakinlah.

Firman Allah:

"Jangan takut, jangan berdukacita." - Al-Ankabut 29:33

Kadang-kadang manusia merasa dukacita kerana beban hidup yang terlalu banyak. Penyakit yang menimpa. Masalah keluarga yang banyak. Masalah anak, masalah isteri, masalah jiran, masalah kerja, masalah kereta, masalah itu dan sebagainya. Maka dia bersedih, dia berdukacita, jiwanya tertekan. Mengapa harus bersedih? Bukankah hidup ini penuh dengan perjuangan mengatasi segala masalah?

Hidup bermakna kita berdepan dengan masalah.Orang yang tidak mahu berdepan dengan masalah maka dia tidal layak untuk hidup di dunia ini. Masalah yang besar yang tetap akan kita hadapi ialah hasutan iblis dan syaitan. Tidak ada masalah yang lebih besar daripada itu.

Anak kita nakal, anak kita degil, anak kita tidak mendengar cakap, anak kita suka melawan, dan sebagainya. Bukankah itu mengajak kita berusaha berjihad mendidiknya?!
Dan setiap didikan kita kepada anak kita akan diberikan pahala oleh Allah SWT. Lantas berusahalah untuk mendidiknya, mengajarnya, mengasuhnya, dengan cara yang terbaik.

Apakah ada masalah yang lebih besar di dunia ini daripada masalah berdepan dengan hasutan syaitan, dengan iblis? Syaitan yang sentiasa mengajak kita untuk melakukan kejahatan, syaitan yang sentiasa mengajak kita untuk melakukan maksiat.Itu masalah yang besar. Sebab itu mujahadatun nafs melawan nafsu, melawan syaitan, melawan iblis, itu adalah asas kepada perjuangan jihad manusia di muka bumi ini. Iblis bersumpah dengan Allah SWT bahawa dia akan mengganggu Bani Adam, dia akan menggoda Bani Adam, dia akan menyesatkan Bani Adam. Mereka akan berusaha melakukan itu secara berterusan, sejak kita kecil, dewasa hingga kembali kepada Allah SWT.

Ini masalah yang perlu kita hadapi. Adapun selain daripada itu anggaplah ia asam garam kehidupan. Masalah yang kita lalui mematangkan jiwa kita, mematangkan akal kita, mematangkan peribadi kita. Akhirnya orang yang sudah banyak melalui masalah, dia menjadi manusia yang tenang, kerana dia rasa lapang dengan segala penyelesaian yang dia hadapi. Yakinlah dengan sebarang masalah diserahkan kepada Allah. Kita setakat berusaha, Allah jua yang menentukan.

sources from ( http://www.iluvislam.com)

Hopefully from this we can learn to be greatfull no matter what circumstances we are in ... amin ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011

BeAuTifuL PeoPLe

I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful

Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.

Beauty comes in all sizes and in all ages

Beauty comes as much from the mind as from the eye

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone

Beauty... when you look into a woman's eyes and see what is in her heart

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open

Beauty is not only in our faces but beauty is also a light in the heart

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wants to Forgive :)

Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness
forces you to grow beyond what you were.

When you forgive, you in no way change the
past but you sure do change the future.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the
attribute of the strong.

It takes courage and commitment to act in a
more forgiving fashion. It is not at all a sign of
weakness but a mark of strength.

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is
not something you do FOR someone else.

Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it
feels more painful than the wound we suffered,
to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there
is no peace without forgiveness.

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.

Forgive all who have offended you, not for
them, but for yourself.
