It is like my last sem here in UiTM kedah jd time to make the best out of it la kan ...... banyak kerja tp banyak jgk jalan2 nye hehe .... i need to wark kinda hard so that this sem boleh dapat DL lg ... mcm susah sgt rasanye , nk give up pun ada but it is all up to my effort and Allah swt .... i'll try my hardest bcoz semua dh ada depan mata tinggal usaha and use every possible peluang yang ada dpn mata :))
I wish to continue blaja until master or even higher PHD but it is all up to the oppurtunity i have ahead of me, but the thing is i want to also work asap after my studies bcoz i've never work before so my experience is like 0 percent hee so maybe master n kerja skali would be great but mama kata xyah la kerja lagi ...blaja sampai master then br kerja huhu sooooo im in my own dilemma hehe tp ape2 pun the future is not for me to decide i cn plan as much as i want but Allah swt is the one that will tentukan everything :))
so kesimpulannya alia don't be LAZY ... Dh part 6 dh pun :) be the best that u can be and stay positive