To be honest i can't believe where im am right now ... never thought to have such a tremendous life eventhough its not complete nor perfect but i never want to feel discourage from all the hardship i've gone through.... its a learning process ada ups and down. The future is yet to come and i feel terribly scared of it tapi bila fikir balik kenapa nak takot akan masa depan that is not there yet kan. Just color the future brightly and take the past as a lesson :)
I made mistakes, they might also be things that i always do or did that people around me tak suka and i promise to change and be better :)Everyone has their own weaknesses that we barely realises until someone get realy iritated and tell us hehe. People might think im this 'belagak' person or in english we call it erm i dont know x ingat pulak the right word hehe but actually if you get to know me better im not type of person ...yes i like material things like baju yg byk makeup n etc but that doesn't mean im this snobish person ... So please Don't Judge a Book by its cover
Im sooo glad most of my DPA frens by now kenal i and hopefully change their perception hehe .. i love all of them a lot because they color most of my Diploma years here in Sg petani :) seriously im gonna feel very sad to depart from them masa degree nanti .... Blaja byk sangat kot dgn perangai masing2 yang laen gle2 ... to be honest i never tought to find this many friends with such differrent attitudes some are crazily funny and obnoxious jgk at times haha sorry ... but above it all they are wonderful people with amazing story lines macam drama pun ada budak2 ni ...
When writting i basically write what i feel but somehow i only write happy things in my life, i pun x tahu kenapa, maybe im too afraid to write about how sad i feel at times sbb it would seem that im not a greatful person, when poeple see me (externally) they think im very fortunate yes its damn true but they don't know how easily depressed i can be where my brain my eyes my body just can't take it anymore, so who do i turn to ofcoz Allah swt... without HIM im nobody at all ...
LOVE alia ...